Friday, October 12, 2012

Children's Museum

August 5th - Mark was already back in Arizona doing a whirlwind pack the house and turn over his practice in 10 days thing.  Noah was staying at Mark's parents.  And I was living in the basement of my brother's family's rental - trying to figure out how to deal with a colicy, no sleep at night baby boy (and a strong willed 3 year old).  So, a little excursion was a welcome break from the norm.  We headed to the children's museum with Chris & Chelsey's family!

Lincoln, Max & Me:

Linc and his cousin Audrey intent with one of the exhibits:

A couple cute shots Chris snapped of Max:

Me and my babe.

Lunch in the foodcourt!  Woot-woot!

Thanks for letting us tag along, guys!

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