Thursday, January 17, 2013

February 2012 Wrap Up

My friend and next door neighbor Sydnie turned 30 and her husband conspired with me to have some friends from the street there to surprise her when they came home from dinner.  I brought some pies and Brighton and I put up some decorations, and we enjoyed a little surprise party for Syd!
Erin, Sheri, Leah, Sydnie, Natalie, Michelle (with Trey), Me, Brighton.
At nearly 7 1/2 months Max was starting to explore a bit more...pushing up to watch what's going on, grabbing his feet, and just being a content, happy baby.  Oh, how I love that chubby baby!  Here are a series of snapshots that I didn't want to take the time to choose between:

I loved his gummy grins...and he cut his first tooth just about 2 weeks after these pictures were taken (on February 19th to be exact).

This video clip of Noah and Lincoln playing the Wii makes me smile:

Cousin Ava turned 6 and we all went bowling and out for frozen yogurt to celebrate!

How cute are this brothers?!

I love watching my baby discover something new he can do.
Yup...that's our Lincoln:

One day after breakfast I found Noah's unfinished oatmeal with this kindergartener's note:
(I am full.)
I love having little dudes.

Does it make me a bad mom that when my 4 year old turfs it in the mud that I grab my camera?...
I learned to appreciate and enjoy my easily amused my baby (while that stage lasts)!  This pictures were actually taken on the day he turned 8 months old.  Just give the guy a wooden spoon...

Max playing with/loving Noah:

All that playing will tire a baby out!...

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