Lincoln was off like a rocket (strange, I know) and my mom chased him from exhibit to exhibit while I pushed Noah in the stroller.

Unfortunately Noah didn't perk up. He didn't get out of the stroller to look at any of the dinosaurs, and the poor little guy looked absolutely pitiful.

I had packed lunches for us, and even though Noah wasn't at all interested - Linc, my mom & I snarfed ours down.

Here's a quick clip of Lincoln throwing bread to the ducks.
You can walk right under this big dinosaur as you enter a playground area of the park (yes, he does have a head). The day was much too hot to play on a playground without shade though...even Lincoln recognized that when he burned his poor little legs going down the hot slide.

Caveman Lincoln.

There was a mister near one of the buildings that we'd walk past periodically to cool the boys down. Lincoln didn't seem to notice it much...here he is just wanting to talk about his "juice":
By the end of our visit, we were all pretty worn out from all the walking and the heat...and poor Noah was still feeling pitifully ill. So, maybe next time we'll stay longer when Noah isn't sick, and while we're enjoying some autumn weather while running around!

my kids have been talking about the Dinosaur park a lot lately (not sure what was triggering the momories) but when Zac saw these pictures he about jumped off his chair! Poor Noah though!
where is the dinosaur park?
Dinosaur Park is in Ogden, UT...there's a link to their site on this post for more info!
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