The competition for the most desirous toys has begun between my boys (and of course the coolest toy is always whatever the other one has, right?). So, moments like this when they're sharing a toy, and having a good time doing it, warrant documentation!

I had to show a little close up of the chub overflowing onto the steering wheel. Gotta love it.

I pulled the camera out to get a picture of Noah's chocolatey-mess of a face, but the real crack-up for me ended up being this cheeser that he pulled out when I went to take his picture.

Nothing special. Just a normal shot of the boys playing first thing in the morning...but I do love how Lincoln has to tip his head back to be able to see out from behind his construction hat!

The boys came up with this game one day while I was out of the room. They like to call it their "slide". Nutty boys.
One Saturday morning Mark was ready to take the boys outside to do yard-work and had Lincoln all rigged up in the backpack. Noah decided that he wanted to wear the backpack, so we let him see how heavy it was...and that just cracked Lincoln up!

Now and then Mark brings home a surgical mask or cap for Noah. One morning Noah asked for his mask & hat right after breakfast...

And I'll end with my personal favorite. Noah popped around the counter one morning while Mr. Potato Head's mustache & mouth between his teeth (and this expression on his face). I just about peed my pants laughing. It sure was nice of Noah to do something like that to reward me for waking up for the day with him at 5:45 that morning! Funny boy.

Oh my gosh, you rock! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does a ton of posts all at once to catch up on Easter and such. Awesome! And, by the way, the cowboys in scivvies is about the most adorable thing I've seen. Just when I think I really want a girl, I see two cute brothers together and change my mind!
OH Holly! what adorable boys! We DO need to get our boys together...oh the fun they would have!
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