Noah was quite averse to me taking his picture while in the bath. A sudden onset of modesty? I doubt that was it, but oh well. I did manage to snap a few cute pics of Lincoln, and I couldn't help but to include one of these shots of him. I just love watching him as he concentrates while exploring his world...and just look at those eyelashes!

Such a happy little guy.

I was able to catch this video clip of both of the boys as we got bath time started. When there are bubbles, Noah often likes to be the abominable snowman (which he often pronounces as "the probably snowman").
Thanks, "gramma and grampa" for Noah's fun bubble maker!
Fun! Annie likes it when I get out the orange stick and container of 33c bubbles at bath time! Plus, I'm enjoying your new slideshow!
Perfect gift for these two cute little dirt magnets! Love them!
Your babies are getting so big. I loved the zoo post. That is so cute that Noah wanted to wear appropriate head gear.
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