Anyway! We had a great time at the zoo. It was surprisingly not busy at all, and all the animals were out and active in the mild weather. Our little animals wanted to be out and about too, so they weren't in the stroller very long...

Lincoln giving a loud "roaaarrr"

Which rino do you think is cuter? :)

Noah was quite cooperative with having his picture taken near a fellow elephant.

Me with my wild animals.

Lincoln has been really into animal sounds lately. He loves doing the "What does a ___ say?" game. I'm usually too slow getting my camera on in order to catch the sounds on tape, but here are a couple. Monkey:
And bear:
Mark & Lincoln. Looking at the llamas, I believe.

Every once in a while I look at a picture like this and remember that our boys won't always have to reach up to hold our hands, or have to take at least two steps for every one of ours, or that they could possibly be taller than us someday. So, I'm glad that we're enjoying this time while they're still small...and while they still want to hold our hands.

We have really loved having a zoo pass so we can go so often. It's been one of our most-used Christmas gifts ever (thanks again, Mom & Dad)! The boys have certain things they always like to do or see when we go. One thing Noah always has to do is sit on the tiger statue. It cracks me up that he thinks of himself as a cowboy while "riding" it, and how he says "Ride 'em, cowboy!" while he tames the beast. However, he of course still pronounces it as, "Right on, cowboy"!
No, our littlest wild animal isn't in a cage here, just growling at me through the the ropes of the playground's bridge.

And lastly, before leaving we indulged ourselves with a train ride. We were one of only two families on the train. I still can't get over what a perfect zoo day it was...or how much I love these three boys!

Definately the cutest animals at the zoo! I hadn't seen the rhino yet. Pretty cute! Love those boys!
What great wonderful pictures! I love, love, love the headpieces! Looks like a great time!
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