Saturday, March 7:

Once we arrived in D.C. we rented a mini-van and headed to Ann's niece's apartment (where we'd be staying that night). Her niece's name is Mei Li and she teaches at an all girls private school called The Medeira School. She teaches Chinese there and has an apartment on campus that she shares with one roommate, and it was quite nice and roomy. Mei Li was so sweet and accomodating to us, an absolute gem of a hostess. She even gave up her own room while we were staying there (which is where I slept) and she served us some fantastic soup for dinner that she'd made, along with some delicious strawberries and homemade herbal tea. Yum.

Sunday, March 8:
(Photo: Ann, Mei Li, Lynn)

Before heading into D.C. we decided to get a more close up view of the Potomac, so we headed to nearby Great Falls National Park (per Mei Li's recommendation). It was beautiful and we were able to view the river up close from several look out spots like this one:

(west front of the cathedral)

- It's the 6th largest cathedral in the world & the 2nd largest in the U.S.
- It is the only cathedral to be completed in one century (1907-1990)
- The tower has two full sets of bells
- It is constructed of Indiana limestone
- The cathedral is 301 feet high
- It has 9 chapels
- Use of concrete & structural steel was kept to a bare minimum. Instead medieval techniques like ribbed vaulting & flying buttresses were used.
Among its 200+ amazing stained glass windows is the Space Window (shown here). Its actual name is the Scientists and Technicians Window. Its celestial scene pays tribute to scientific achievement, while also celebrating the galaxy as one of God's creations. The window includes a fragment of rock from the moon, which was brought back and donated as a gift by Apollo 11 astronauts in 1969, commemorating man's first landing on the moon (you can see the stone in the center of the scene). Most of the rest of the cathedral's stained glass windows relate to Christian scenes and imagery (which are also very beautiful, just not as unique of content to share about). I did hear though that there is also one window which depicts Lewis & Clark.
I found it strangely amusing to visit a cathedral of this grandeur and style that is so...well, new. It had so many elements similar to those old European cathedrals that I've visited, but just didn't have the old look (to the stone, etc).
(another view of the cathedral's exterior)

I wish I had a better camera - this shot does no justice to the beauty of the cathedral's nave. I was particularly trying to get the ribbed vaulting. The nave, from West Portal to High Alter, is one-tenth of a mile...plenty of time, our docent pointed out, for someone taking that long walk down the aisle to change their mind! (Our docent also clarified that most weddings held in the cathedral are held in smaller chapels within the church)

This is the main altar in the cathedral, called the Jerusalem Altar, and it was carved from stones brought back from Solomon's Quarry near Jerusalem. Again, my photography does this work of art no justice - it is truly beautiful. Also, our docent told explained to us that the cross on the altar was veiled with a purple cloth due to Lent.

I feel badly that I don't remember any information about this...we were kind of rushing through this area of the cathedral, but it was quite stunning so I just snapped a quick picture as we passed it.

Other notable historical aspects of the National Cathedral include:
- While the cathedral is Episcopalian, it is a "national house of prayer for all people" & is a symbol of unity by hosting events of secular and religious events (including interfaith events).
- It plays a role in times of national celebration or crisis (such as the internationally televised memorials following the 9/11 terrorist attacks).
- It was at the National Cathedral's Canterbury pulpit that Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his final sermon (a few days before his assassination). A memorial was held for him there later that same week.
- The cathedral holds a presidential prayer service the day following a presidential inauguration. Presidents who have attended this event include: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
- During WWII monthly services "on behalf of a united people in a time of emergency" were held.

This picture is crooked because I snapped it as I flung my camera up to the car window. We were speeding past this side of the cathedral on our way to the airport to pick up Julie (who flew in late due to a wedding). It was just too beautiful not to snap a shot, albeit a crooked one.

After picking up Julie at the airport we all headed to check into our hotel (the Grand Hyatt downtown). It was nice to stretch out and freshen up before heading down to the bistro on site at the hotel for dinner. This dinner was with delegates from the AMAA western states (California, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Colorado...) and was coordinated by a county president from Colorado. We enjoyed a lovely dinner - the food was delicious (check out their menu!) and it was fun to get to know some of these exceptional ladies in a more intimate setting before the large conferences began. One thing that was really fun about the dinner for me was that several of the ladies swapped tastes of their dishes. I loved being able to taste such a delicious variety of different foods! I just kept thinking how much Mark would have enjoyed the food. And since he'll be wondering...I ordered the Bonne Bouche off of the cheese menu, for everyone to share, the organic greens (with pumpkin seed granola, aged blue, and cranberry vinaigrette), and the baked trout (with braised endive & hazelnut brown butter). Yum! My favorite things that I tried when swapping tastes were the asparagus, the tomato salad, and the flat iron steak. Delicious. You better believe I'm going to document the food parts of my trip!

Monday, March 9:
After an early continental breakfast (where among other things I enjoyed a very delightful pastry that had fresh berries in it), we attended several speakers, briefings, and workshops. I'll highlight a few of them. If I had to pick my favorite speaker, then I'd say it was actually the very first one - Dr. Orin Harari. He was energetic, informational, and had an amusingly quick wit. He is a bestselling author, consultant, and was rated "One of the top 40 business and management minds in the world" by The Financial Times of London. I won't regurgitate information from his seminar onto my blog (I've already got it written down elsewhere), but I'll summarize just a few things:
- He referred several times to the need of having "grounded optimism"
- He emphasized the necessity for consistent "innovation & intimacy" in business in order to be successful...doctors initiating creative solutions to problems, as well as being familiar enough with their patients to anticipate (and act on) needs.
- He gave a nod to doctors saying that while he believes that most doctors want to help people and do good, that the quality of care needs careful attention. He said, "You have to do well in order to do good."
- He referred to and quoted Colin Powell several times. One of those quotes that I jotted down was, "Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible".
- And while discussing the current issues facing health care and the pending reform he brought up the point that, "Whatever made you successful in the past, won't in the future"...as well as "Don't study a good idea so long that it's become a bad idea".
Moving on....after a day of speakers, seminars & workshops we jumped on the metro and headed to take in a few sights. Right as we came up from the metro we snapped a couple of quick shots. We were in the middle of The National Mall (which is nearly 2 miles long), and behind us you can see the Smithsonian Castle, which although it no longer functions as a museum (it houses the management offices and visitors center to plan your visits to the different museums) it was opened as the first Smithsonian building in 1855!
Now is probably a good time to introduce the ladies that I spent my time with (since this is the first picture with all of us in it)! From left to right - Lana, Ann, Pat, me, Lynn & Julie. I believe that I mentioned that Ann is the current UMAA president, and she is the one who made all of our arrangements for us (booking flights, hotel, mailing out info to us, etc). Julie is the President-elect for the U of U's Medical Student Alliance, and the rest of the ladies are involved at the UMAA county levels.

I sincerely feel so lucky to have been able to spend time getting to know each of these women. Besides the refreshing reminder that eventually medical schooling/training does come to an end (since, other than Julie & I, the whole group has "been there, done that")...I honestly feel like I gained an element of life perspective, and optimism by spending those 6 days together. So - thanks, ladies...for being you!

Next we headed west to the Washington Monument. It was built in honor of George Washington who led the country to independence, and later became its first President. Again, for the 3rd time this trip, I was amazed by the height of this impressive structure once I got up near it. It's 555 feet 5 1/2 inches tall - the tallest stone structure in the world! At the time of its completion (1884) it was the tallest structure of any type in the world. We got right up next to the monument to take shelter from the brisk wind at the time, and the stone was nice and warm from the sun. When I looked up from that angle, I would actually get dizzy. Julie had me pop my big cheeser this picture when she took it (not my most flattering picture). I considered cropping me out of the picture, but that wouldn't have left much of a picture to show after that...

This engraving says "HERE WE MARK THE PRICE OF FREEDOM" and the wall behind it displays 4,000 gold stars...each one representing 100 Americans that died during WWII.

The 56 pillars that surround the circular monument represent the unity of the U.S. states & territories during the war. Behind us you can also see one of the two giant arches that represent the Atlantic and the Pacific (both fronts of the war).

As we continued moving west towards the Lincoln Memorial, we stopped for a quick photo amidst the tree lined path of the mall. (Julie, me & Pat) I like how the moon looks like it is resting softly in the branches of the tree...

...and a pretty photo of the Washington monument, with the Capitol building in the background, at night.
This is a quick shot I took of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. While the monument, which is comprised of 3 parts, exists to honor all those (both living and dead) who served in the war - "the Wall" is the portion of the memorial which lists the names of all the men & women who died or remain missing. It is made of polished black granite and contains 58,260 names - about 1,200 of them are missing (POW or MIA). Periodically along the wall there are gifts and flowers that people have left - a reminder that behind every name there are family & friends who continue to live with their own personal loss from that war.

And finally, the last monument we visited on Monday was the Lincoln Memorial. This view would have been even more beautiful if the Reflecting Pool had been filled with water. Sadly, it was drained for winter maintenance. It was still pretty amazing to imagine this scene (nearly 46 years ago) in summertime with crowds around (and in) the Reflecting Pool...as Martin Luther King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech from the steps of the memorial. This city is so saturated with the history of our country.

Even though my photography leaves much to be desired, just trust me that the memorials are simply breathtaking at night. I love the way they are lit - and how with this monument Lincoln is "glowing" whiter and brighter than the rest of the monument.

As an interesting side note, Julie mentioned that she'd heard that the sculptors created a difference in Lincoln's appearance to represent him before and after the war. The right half of his body is relaxed (note his expression, his hand, his leg), and the left half of his body is exhausted and tense. The more that I read and learn about this man, the happier that I am that our child bears his name. He really seems to me to be an extraordinary person, and someone who rose to his position of influence as President against all the odds against him. Due to the sentiment that I felt (and feel) toward this 16th president of our country, I'd like to include my top 20 favorite Abraham Lincoln quotes:
(photo below: Ann, me, Pat, Lana, Lynn)
- Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
- You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.
- Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?
- America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
- All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.
- Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.
- Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
- Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
- Don't worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition.
- Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
- I will prepare and some day my chance will come.
- I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.
- In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
- Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.
- Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
- To stand in silence when they should be protesting makes cowards out of men.
- We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.
- You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
- You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
- Whatever you are, be a good one.
(photo below: Ann, me, Pat, Lana, Lynn)

We asked around for recommendations of a yummy, unique restaurant and this one was referred by two different people - so off we went. The bonus was that it was only a couple blocks away! It's called Oya and is an Asian-French fusion restaurant. As usual, not a great picture...but the atmosphere was great. It had white marble walls, white leather chairs, and I loved the incorporation of the elements. A column of strung shells, with light shining from behind them, is a focal point of the dining area. It also has a trendy fire & ice feel to it...flowing water that obscures the view of the kitchen (which you can see in the center of the photo), and long display of fire that looks like it's dancing on clear blue gems (right wall in the photo). Very beautiful contemporary decor and a tasty (and surprisingly reasonably priced) menu.

Ann ordered this beautiful plate of sushi for everyone to share...

I enjoyed one of the best bowls of soup that I've ever tasted. It was called Yellow Tomato Soup, and it was absolutely mouthwatering.

Tuesday, March 10:

After lunch we were off to meet with some of our legistlators on the Hill! First we went to meet with Representative Chaffetz. He was unable to make the meeting, as legistlative schedules are often unpredictable, so we met with one of his staff. His office was small, tidy, and modest - and one of the ladies that we were with mentioned something about him sleeping on a cot in his office when in D.C. to save money...I looked that info up and it turns out to be accurate! Wow.
This is a picture of Julie and me in front of the Capitol.
A group shot of all the AMAA and AMA delegates from Utah in the Hart Senate Office Building.

Our next appointment was with Senator Orrin Hatch. We spent most of our time with two of his staffers, but he was also able to make an appearance to meet with us for a few minutes. Ann snapped this picture while we were in his office. I liked all the huge book shelves, but I have to admit that he huge self-portrait (oil, I think) hanging in the office was a bit much for me. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt that it was a gift, but still...
Me in front of the Supreme Court.

Julie inside the Union Station. The link I included gives a great description, summary & further links about the station, so take a look at that if you're interested. I will mention that the Union Station was designed to be the entrance to Washington D.C. when it opened in 1908...and it really is impressive.

Enjoying our dinner! Ann, Lana, Julie, Lynn, Me, Pat.
Wednesday, March 11:
While eating our breakfasts on Wednesday (the last day of the conference) AMA lobbyists further explained ideas for refining the messages that we were bringing to our legistlators. Then

I will be perfectly honest in that I don't remember what order we met with which legistlators (and I don't want to spend the time to figure it out). However, here is a picture of all of us UMA & UMAA delegates in front of the Capitol building!
Representative Jim Matheson wasn't able to make our meeting, so delivered our message to his very capable staff. Representative Rob Bishop had a bill on the floor, but managed to call his staff and have them walk us down to an area where he was able to step out and meet with us briefly before having to head back in to vote on his bill. (Here we are with Rep. Bishop)
We were able to have a great meeting with Senator Robert Bennett. He was able to be present for our whole visit, was candid about his thoughts on health care, and was open to the information that we wanted to deliver. And my goodness is he tall!
Those visits to Capitol Hill actually concluded the conference for us! I really enjoyed all that I was able to learn, and the experiences that I had during those days. Luckily our flights didn't leave until the next evening, so we managed to squeeze in a bit more sightseeing. First, one more picture of the Capitol (from the other side).
There were a lot of places we would have loved to see, but we had to choose - so we decided to hurry to a museum while we had time. There are several fantastic Smithsonians that you could spend a lot of time at, but only having time for one we headed to the National Museum of American History. It was fantastic, and we didn't have nearly enough time to see everything there that we wanted to. Here were a few of my favorite things that I did see though. Since I couldn't get good photos (between having a point & shoot camera, and not being able to use a flash) I'll try to include links to the items I mention so you can see a better image of them.

This picture displays several things. A few of them include: A surgeon's bloodletting set (that link's description is well worth reading), an apothecary scale, and a lancet case.

Since my husband is a foot doctor, I couldn't resist including this one...a picture of a prosthetic leg. This is the type that would have been used to replace a severed foot. Prosthesis have come a long way, haven't they?

One exhibit that we had been looking forward to seeing was the First Ladies Exhibit. The exhibit only reopened 3 months ago. It includes inaugural gowns donated by each of the first ladies, as well as other personal items. It was an interesting exhibit to view. One of the dresses that caught my eye the most was this one from Mary Lincoln.

The exhibit that I was definitely the most excited to visit was the one titled "Abraham Lincoln: An Extraordinary Life". In celebration of the 200th anniversary of his birth, the museum put together an unprecendented exhibit of intimate information and nationally imported artifacts on Lincoln. It is a remarkable tribute to this amazing man and President of our country.

Lincoln's iconic top hat was pretty amazing to see. I can only imagine how imposing of a figure he must have been after adding this tall top hat to his 6 foot 4 inch frame. The black silk band was added to mourn the death of his 11 year old son Willie. This is the hat Lincoln wore to Ford's Theatre on April 14, 1865 the night he was assasinated.

The next picture is of the plaster casts done of Lincoln's face and hands. Lincoln had been nominated as the Republican presidential candidate two days before the casts were done. So, his right hand was still swollen from shaking supporters' hands all day. Lincoln's first response upon seeing the finished life mask was, "There is the animal himself!"

The last items I have a picture of are Abraham Lincoln's office suit & Mary's purple velvet gown. There was a lot of added information in the exhibit that gave interesting insight into their personalities, as well as how they were as a couple. The whole exhibit was fantastic and I'm so glad that I was able to see it!

Thursday, March 12:
Our last day in Washington D.C.! Here we are by the huge traditional Chinese gate in Chinatown called the Friendship Arch.
The last thing that we were able to see in D.C. ended up being the National Holocaust Museum. I was so grateful that we were able to make it there too - it was at the very top of my list of things
I feel so lucky to have been able to attend this conference, and even more lucky to have attended it with the group of ladies that I did! So, thanks to all of them for being so kind...and to Ann for all of your planning on our behalf. I feel like I learned a lot and saw a lot (though never enough). Plus, being away from home gave me a break from mom duties long enough that I was aching to get back to it. I was so anxious to wrestle around with my boys and to resume all the simple day to day things that I do with them which one can so often take for granted. I had a fantastic time in D.C. and am so glad that I went, but I am also so grateful to be back at home with my three boys!
WOW!! What an amazing trip!...and yes, I DID read the whole thing! ;)
I think I have jet lag. Great trip and wonderful documentation. What alot of amazing historic information. Thanks for sharing it. The photos were great too even if you feel your camera is less than optimal. I'm glad you had the opportunity go and experience so much and represent your group and their issues. You must have not slept since I saw you last so you could put together this blog!
What a great trip! It looked like you had a lot of great opportunities (and a lot of great food- yumm!!). Thanks for posting about your trip, I learned a lot! I'm glad you had such a great time.
Hi! I’m the Community Manager of Ruba.com. We’re building a website to highlight some of the most interesting places travelers around the world have discovered. We’ve read hundreds of blogs about Washington DC and we think that this post is awesome! We’d love to highlight excerpts from your blog (assuming it’s OK with you of course) and to discuss other ways of tapping into your expertise if you are interested. I’m at erin[at]ruba.com.
Thanks! :)
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