I think this is such a cute "brothers" picture. Also, when we took this photo Kate said something about Anna that cracked me up. With that expression on her face, and those big sunglasses...she said Anna looked like a mini version of someone with a hangover. Ha! Nice.

Noah by the treehouse.

Anna & her mommy.


This picture just about sums up my two year old...

Noah was so excited to get to wear his hat. It was really cute.

Sweet li'l Anna.

A quick shot of Anna & Noah on this old wagon...

...unfortunately Anna wasn't real thrilled with the idea of Noah putting his arm around her for a photo.

Noah in the saddle.

And then it was off to feed the birds.

And to cap off our excursion we enjoyed a little lunch together. Nothing like tiring the boys out, and bringing them home already fed and ready for naptime!

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