So, to start this random mish-mash of photos & video clips from March (that didn't make it into another post) let's start with a cute little picture and video clip of the boys enjoying a smoothie. They were enjoying sucking it down and were pretty cute talking about when they get "freezie heads"...
Just a couple quick shots of Noah in one of our Buzz Lightyear costumes.

One day during bath time I grabbed my camera to video Noah's cute little laugh...and how surprising it was that Lincoln was being so passive with what Noah was doing to him. Just a little spitting was all...

One evening we noticed that Lincoln was jumping up and down on an air vent in our front room. Mark thought to look inside of it and it was
full of various toys. He pulled them all out and we both reached down as far into the vent as we could to make sure we got everything. However, that night we couldn't find his binky
anywhere (which in our house is close to a crisis). Of course, we began to wonder if he'd put his binky in there...and if it could have tumbled further down the air duct than we could reach. So, Mark turned on the timer delay and rigged our camera so he could lower it down into the vent. It took a couple of tries to get a good shot, but this is what we were finally able to see! The elusive binky
and a bunch more blocks and toys. Luckily, Mark was able to go downstairs and find the proper tube in our laundry room to take apart. Binky was retrieved and bedtime was able to progress as planned. Whew.
Mark & Lincoln enjoying some popcorn on the couch one night:

My aunt Joy gave the boys this fantastic book which they absolutely
love. They enjoy reading and re-reading it, and it wasn't long after we got the book before Noah began reciting lines from the book. I took this video clip about a month & 1/2 ago, and Noah has memorized most of the book at this point (I should video him again)...but this video clip is pretty stinkin' cute:
I swear. You turn your head for one second with Lincoln and...

I always loved St. Patrick's Day growing up. My mom always had little green footprints that led from our bedrooms downstairs to a black pot (which naturally had a rainbow hung over it) of gold coins and other fun little goodies. There was always a green pin or something green to wear too...and green shamrock pancakes with green orange juice. I didn't realize that not every house did this stuff until I was a little older. Anyway, we're still refining the way we do things in our home with our boys, but this was my first year really doing much for this holiday and we had a good time with it. Boy did Noah have a lot of questions about leprechauns though. He was much more interested in trying to catch the leprechaun than he was about what the little man could have left him, but here's a clip of Noah finding his pot o' green goodies.

Lastly, for documentation purposes (and for those of you that haven't heard)...Mark was offered a job in Arizona that we're really excited about. This is a picture of Mark during the first week of March as he signed the final contract! Wahoo! Our journey together through the years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, and 3 years of residency has all culminated in landing this job. We are sad to be moving away from family & friends, but are thrilled for Mark to finally be doing what he loves (for a "real" paycheck) and with such an esteemed practice. We feel very blessed.
This is a picture that Mark took when he flew down for his second interview. This is where Mark's office will be, and where he'll see patients and do most of his surgical procedures. It's a nice, new building with it's own O.R. on site - so that's fun too.

Since I have started blogging I'm quite sure that I've never included a post of anything related to Mark's residency life. So, to wrap up writing about Mark starting his new job soon...I thought it seemed appropriate to include a picture of him with his co-residents too.

So, for March...that's a wrap!
Hey Holly! Congrats to you and mark on completion of residency (almost). We are almost done with residency also but Casey is doing a fellowship in Rheumatology that will take two years. It will mean a much better lifestyle in years to come.
Good luck on your move. We don't have to move, luckily since all of my siblings live close to me here in TX.
Your boys are adorable. I love his frown in the buzz suit!
Yeah!~ It's so nice to finally land that job. Have fun in AZ.
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