April 22nd was Earth Day this year. Now, I will woefully admit that we don't normally celebrate that day, but we got to this year! My mom won two tickets on the radio, and then realized that she didn't know any of the bands...so she asked me if we would like to go while she watched the boys. Sweet! So, Mark and I enjoyed a real date that night. There were several hours of slated bands, but when Mark got off work we just headed out to dinner and over to the concert when we were done. We got there as the band Hey Monday was setting up. We enjoyed hearing them play, but even more we enjoyed hearing...Train! Now I wouldn't say that we are "fans" of
Train, but I do really enjoy several of their songs - and Patrick Monahan is a really fantastic stage performer. We had a great time.

I'm pretty sure the last concert we went to was when we saw The Cure in Chicago 6 years ago, so it was fun to finally attend something like that together again...and the fact that the tickets (and babysitting!) were free was a
huge added bonus! Thanks so much, Mom!

A little clip I took at the concert. Not exactly representative, but you get the idea...
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