We (and other people) have made comments about being surprised that Linc hasn't ever needed a trip to the E.R. or stitches. We
almost made it two years (his b-day is tomorrow). I was at a house of a girl that I just met today (visiting teaching) this morning. Us ladies were chatting in the family room right at the top of the stairs, and the boys were playing downstairs. Apparently Lincoln made claim on 5-year-old Jax's Buzz Lightyear toy, and then he made a break for it up the stairs. There was a little-kid struggle for possession of the toy and Jax pushed Lincoln to get it away. Unfortunately the section of the stairs (which I had even checked to make sure were carpeted) that they were on didn't have a wall on one side of them, so Lincoln fell about 5 feet to the cement below. Right when I heard the thud (before the screaming came) I knew what had happened and I went running. Within the 3 seconds it took me to get to him he was covered in blood. Those head wounds sure do spurt. It was all over his face and matting his hair. Luckily the two ladies that I was with were calm and helped me get him quickly cleaned up. I'm ashamed to say that I was kind of freaking out inside (I am quite proud of how calm I've stayed in other emergent situations). Luckily Jen (whose house I was at) was very reassuring to both Linc and I, and she took a good look at the source of the wound and calmly told me to take him in to get some stitches. Luckily I know a great surgeon (finally, a perk to having a medical resident spouse) - and I was able to get a hold of Mark. I took the boys right down to the hospital where Mark was working and Mark was able to stitch him up. And I didn't even have to feel dumb about asking if the doctor could try to shave as little hair as possible (with his birthday being tomorrow & stuff).
Anyway, Lincoln was surprisingly calm by the time we got to the hospital. Here he is sitting in the chair waiting for Mark to get his supplies together.

A quick shot of the wound which, unfortunately, does it no justice. The wound was a whole flap - so you could see the skull.

This is Mark irrigating the wound. I obviously have no pictures of Mark numbing Linc's head or doing the stitches since I had to hold Lincoln down the whole time (that sucked). At least I knew that the physician taking care of my baby really does love him as much as I do and was taking good care of him...he even gave Linc the latex glove balloon that he's holding :)

Five stitches (and sucker, rice krispie treat and two matchbox cars) later...

Well, Linc - your first "real" injury is documented. I'm glad that it wasn't worse, but we're so sorry that it happened, little guy. We love you so much.
Ouch. I'm so sorry to hear that Lincoln had such a great fall -- and I'm glad that it didn't take "all the king's horses and all the king's men" to mend him back together again! Does Mark do house calls? We had to run to the InstaCare 2 minutes before they closed the other day... Not that we're planning on needing more stitches or anything, but you never know with Brent and knives ;-)
Oh Holly! Gasp!! Poor little guy. Davis was right around the same age when he had his first big injury. Like you I've always been calm in emergent situations, but I still get the shivers when I think back on it. He'll be up and at it soon, just like nothing happened. So glad Mark could take care of him!
And a BIG happy birthday to him! I have a special LOVE for that little fella!
Ugh! I'm glad he's okay, but that scares the crap out of me!
Poor little thing! That couldn't have felt good. I'll bet he had one heck of a headache after that! But it's a good thing Mark could stitch him up. That's soooo convenient!
Sorry little Linc! Happy Birthday! See you guys next week!
Glad Mark was able to stitch him up! My dad stitched my brothers and I up as kids and I am just waiting for the day when Gary gets to do the same thing. I hope he is doing better and that he was able to have a Happy Birthday!
I'm freaking out just looking at the pictures! It must have been very calming to know that Mark could take care of this for you.
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