Saturday, December 20, 2008

Who is Your Favorite Charity?

I'm the first to admit that I am not great on keeping up with current trends, particularly when it's associated with technology, so you tell I the last one to hear about "GoodSearch"? It's a search engine that contributes 50% of its revenue to the charity or school of your choice (about 1 cent per search)! Simply go to, enter in the charity of your choice, and bookmark it (or add it as your default search engine on that toolbar)! It took me just a few seconds & now the charity of my choice will automatically receive money every time I search the internet! Wahoo! If you're like me, I find myself "googling" stuff often throughout the day - so if my internet is ever down I feel a bit cut off from the world & information. However, now instead of "googling", I will be "goodsearching"! Give it a try!...and what charity will you choose?