Noah specifically asked if there would be elephant lights, so I was relieved to see that they did have them!

I just thought that Noah looked too cute (and tiny) standing under this archway of jungle bird lights.

When it was time to warm up for a bit we bought a hot cocoa. Noah even talked me into getting it in one of the souvenir mugs that had flashing lights in it (a necessity for every household, right?) . However, even after cooling down his cocoa by adding ice, Noah took one sip and wouldn't touch it again - saying it was toooo hot. And there was no convincing him otherwise. Those of you that know Noah know that he prefers his food (and drink, obviously) luke-warm to cold and that we usually have to put his food in the freezer prior to serving it to him. We usually only get one shot at it too...and if it's too "hot" then he won't attempt eating it a second time. I somehow figured that those rules wouldn't apply to a sugary, chocolate drink if it was warm. Wrong! Luckily I'd packed some hot cocoa in a sippy (which was now cold), so he sucked that down & I drank the warm cocoa. So! Here is Noah enjoying his cold cocoa...and, yes, I tucked napkins into his coat before he had a drink (and you can see why).

Lincoln was pretty quiet (surprisingly) most of this outing. And my mom & I got a few good laughs when we'd peek around to check on him and he'd look like this...

And here's a shot of him without his hat covering his eyes.

My mom took Noah on the carousel and being first in line he even got first pick on what animal to ride. You'd think he'd pick the elephant, or the lion? tiger? Nope. The peacock bench. Yup, it doesn't go up and down or anything. Oh well, we said he could choose any one he wanted. I didn't get a good shot of them riding it, but this was right afterward. I have to mention that I got a good laugh out of the lady in the background that smiled right at the camera when I took the picture. It's just the opposite reaction that I have if I'm going to accidentally be in somebody's picture (which is get out of the way, or look away)...but hey, I guess if you're going to be in a picture you might as well make it a flattering shot of you.

1 comment:
Happy belated birthday. Glad to see that you had a great day.
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