Monday, September 15, 2008

Ending the "Month of Water"

As I've written before - August's playgroups were all water activities. The last one that month was held in our backyard, and we had a nice time relaxing in the shade while the kids ran around & splashed in the water. I didn't get a picture of everyone, but here are a few shots that I did get...

Noah, playing with his pool's trunk :)

The little boy in the hat is also named Noah...and they have an interestingly competitive dynamic between the two of them. It's like they're trying to claim ownership of their name or something :)

Just a bunch of the kids & some of the parents...I have to say how impressed I am with how much Maureen gets out (with all her kids) in the summer heat at 9 months pregnant!

Claire, I spared you on the last playgroup post, but you weren't getting out of two in a row :) Here she is pumping up one of the water toys.

We kind of migrated with the chairs as the shade moved. I'm so glad that we have such a great shade tree in our yard though!

And, I'll end the post with this little fish (Lincoln)
Here's a video clip. This splashing is serious business...

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