We were able to go with Claire and her two boys too, which was lots of fun. There was no chance of me getting all four boys to look at the camera while playing in this boat, but the oldest of the bunch (Michael) looked anyway...

Noah, Michael & Lincoln (Linc's expression in this photo cracks me up).

Noah asked me to take one of just him on the elephant trunk.
Isn't he sweet?

Then it was on to the highlight of our visit - seeing Zuri, the baby elephant! Here is Mark with Lincoln & Anna (who would not look at the camera) with the mama & baby elephant behind them.

After lots of coaxing I finally coerced Lincoln to give one big "cheese" to the camera - and this forced little cheeser is what I got out of him. I actually thought it was pretty funny though, so I had to post it:

Anna with the elephants.

Noah (next to an elephant skull exhibit) just super excited to be at the zoo with everyone.

All five of the kids climbing/sitting on the tiger statues.

Noah checking out a snake.

Anna liked this tortoise.

Claire & I with the kiddos.


Another shot of the "cheeeese"!

A trip to the zoo is never complete for my boys without a visit to the zoo park. Here is Anna on the caterpillar.

Noah climbing.

And my boys on the teeter-totter.

Last, but not least...I have to wrap up this post by sharing a picture of what we've dubbed Anna's "pirate face", which she does frequently & that I was so pleased to capture that day.
Arrrrrr, matey!

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