When Anna wakes up from her nap she often waits quietly and patiently for me to come get her, so I have to check frequently to see if she is awake. One day I was surprised when I went in to check on her to find that she had actually done something mischievous! From inside her pack n play she reached over to my nightstand to retrieve this box of candy which she emptied into her bed, unwrapped, and proceeded to devour. When I came in she looked up at me with the guiltiest little expression and just froze waiting to see what I would do. Now a moment like this from my boys wouldn't surprise me at all, but for Anna to do that - it had to be documented. So, I hurried and grabbed my camera and snapped this picture. Note the chocolate all around her lips. It's only too bad that in this photo you can't see all of the empty wrappers strewn about...

Building was always a popular choice. Anna liked to announce the color of each block as she would add it to her masterpiece.

Picnic outside enjoying some sunshine.

This day I was changing Lincoln's diaper, and when I finished and looked up this is what Anna looked like in her high chair:

Totally zonked out. And she hardly woke up when I cleaned her off and took her down for her nap.

Picnic lunch at the park.

Me swinging with Linc.

Anna loves to swing too, and she isn't exactly timid with it like you may assume a petite little person like her might be. She squeals with delight at a nice high push herself!

Noah enjoying some time on the swings too. He's a bit more cautious of a kid, but once he feels safe and comfortable he gets more willing to go more all-out with things.

Lincoln is the polar opposite of Noah in that respect - he jumps head first into things without hesitation...sometimes literally. In fact, it was on this trip to the park that he waited until Mark and I were both paying attention to something cute Anna was doing - and he scrambled up to the nearby fire pole and jumped. He banged his head pretty hard, and fell far enough that I was worried about him...but it wasn't long before he was back out on the playground. So, hopefully the kid can channel his high energy and lack of fear productively in his life, and learn some good common sense along the way too of course.

Anna also really loves the slides. Here she is perched at the top of one before she took off all on her own.

I'm sure that I could think of some comedic commentary to put in thought-bubbles above Anna's & Lincoln's heads, but I'll just leave that to you and tell you that this was just a quick shot from one day that I was at the grocery store with them.

Anna playing with girlie stuff at a toy store (called Three Little Monkeys) that we went to. So cute.

Anna and Lincoln enjoying the swings.

You never know if Lincoln will come out at the bottom of a tube slide foot first or head first...on his back or on his tummy, but he is almost always smiling.

Anna and Noah on the playground as I'm trying to convince them that it really is time for us to start heading home.

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