Noah loved it too of course. Here he is (just after starting the hunt) showing me his basket - with the smile he plasters on for posed pictures. I still think it's absolutely adorable though, and I love that he's starting to allow me to ask him to wait while I take his picture now!

At the beginning of the hunt Linc would find an egg, hold it up and say, "Ooooooh!"
Noah wasn't all about running & getting as many eggs as possible. Instead he found a couple and was more interested in starting to enjoy the candy inside them. After some encouragement he did mosey about and pick up a couple more, but we just decided that as long as he was having a good time that we should just drop our "agenda" and let him enjoy himself. He did.
I'm pretty sure that running around with a basket was the highlight for Lincoln.

However, he did seem to catch on to the "thrill of the hunt" a bit more as things progressed. He thought the eggs were balls though, so when he would find one he would either hold it up proudly and yell, "ball!"...or else he would throw it.

Mark & Lincoln.

Me with my boys. Noah was giving me a kiss on the cheek - he's such a little sweetheart.

After the hunt was over Noah was excited to run and show the grandmas & grandpas his eggs!

I couldn't resist taking this picture of Noah with my grandma's bunny before we drove home. He really liked the bunny, and it was cute to see him standing next to it (the same height...minus the ears) in his pajamas. There's that picture-smile again, but this time with a little head tilt. I don't care how posed it is...I think he is just so cute that I could eat him up!

Here's a photo of some of the cousins and aunts/uncles (yes, I said some...this isn't all of us) with Grandpa Bennion & Grandma Dorothy.

More than anything Lincoln loved being turned loose in a new place to run and explore, especially with other little kids running around. I think he would have been just as content to seek out the candy and throw it, but once we let him taste some then the hunt was on!

And I just thought this was funny...
Thanks, Grandma & Grandpa and Sharon & Dave for hosting such fun Easter celebrations and hunts! It was so good to spend time with family at that time of year. We love you!
Your boys are SO cute!
(Thanks for posting the big family pic; I didn't have a copy. Now I do. Yay.)
It was so nice to have you and everyone else over for the annual hunt.
Love the picture with you and your boys -- it's so cute!
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