With my mom in early April:

We packed a lunch & then enjoyed ice cream! The boys had just one cone to share, so Noah got things started first. I may have sneaked a lick or two myself...that orange cream flavor is pretty good!

When it came time for Noah to share, he was surprisingly willing...and it was really cute. So, I snapped a whole bunch of pictures. Here are a few:

I love how you can see Noah's long tongue in this one, and how Lincoln's hand is on Noah's arm while his mouth is open and patiently waiting.

Sweet Noah.

One last taste for Lincoln before Noah finishes things up.

I had to include this photo for Noah's expression. It's his face that says, "I'm trying to be really patient with all these pictures, Mom. Here's my smile, now please hurry and take the picture so I can finish this ice cream".

There is a little "hut" in the Asian highlands area of the zoo. Lincoln thought this drum in there was pretty sweet.

Lastly, we rode the carousel. Even though Lincoln isn't in focus in this picture, I had to include it. His little scowl just cracked me up. He wasn't thrilled about being set up on this lion, and was giving us some pretty good glares.

Noah continues to choose the peacock bench. We always try to talk him into riding one of the animals that goes up & down, but he won't hear of it. He loves this peacock.

Lincoln warmed up to the idea of riding on the lion once the ride and music started. Here he is (with my mom) looking back to make sure that I hadn't run off or something.

Visit in late April with the Donnellys:
Michael & Noah sitting on the elephant statue. When weather is hot in the summertime the elephant sprays water out of its trunk.

Look at their sweet smiles in this picture. Noah and Michael requested that I take these next two pictures...I'm not about to say no to a request like that!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!!!

Noah & Michael enjoying their ice cream.

Lincoln & Drew enjoying their ice cream!

I don't think that Lincoln had ever enjoyed his own ice cream cone before...


Noah just chillin' with his ice cream cone.

We weren't able to get a picture with all four boys looking at the camera, so I almost didn't include one...then I thought, "Are you kidding? This captures what things are really like with four boys 4 & under!" You should really click on the photo to see it larger for full-effect :) So, here you go - messy faced Lincoln putting his foot up on Drew's stroller, Drew holding up his ice cream while making a hilarious expression, Michael looking away while making some sort of pretend-angry face , and Noah taking off running. I have decided that I love this picture after all.

These two pictures are for you, Claire. Documentation that I let my kid get totally messy while in our stroller.

While we were exploring the bird and reptile building, this lady was walking around with a barn owl! When she saw that we were interested she set up her portable chair and talked to the boys about it. Noah stood there (in what I refer to as his "dude-stance") with his hands on his hips while assessing the situation.

After the woman pointed out the owls long talons Noah was a little bit reserved, but still very interested.

Drew (keeping an eye on that owl) and Lincoln in our stroller.

Michael & Noah after checking out some pythons (top of photo).

And, to cap the trip, a train ride. I noticed that the boys were seated by age in this picture...1,2,3,4 years old! Cuties.

Last stop on the way out of the zoo was this giant ball in water that the kids love to push. Noah was delighted that I said it was ok to get his hands all wet.

1 comment:
Those pictures of the boys sharing the ice cream cone are Priceless!! I love the one where Noah is licking it, but Lincoln's hand is on Noah's hand and his mouth is open, awww too cute!!!
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