We went in for his check-up today and here are the stats...
Weight: 18 pounds, 11 ounces (95%), Length: 26 inches (87%), Head: 46 cm (off the chart big - over 100%), Smile: 110% adorable, Cheeks: unmeasurably squeezable!

We got these pictures taken today and I had to choose this one of him sucking on his fist since that it what he does all of the time right now. Another bonus of this picture...it shows those cute little "rubber band wrists"!
Here's our little dude - just hangin' out.
If Lincoln isn't sucking on his fist, then he usually has a binkie in his mouth - or this fish rattle. His favorite place to sleep right now is our recliner. He's his daddy's boy, I guess :)

Pardon his cough at the beginning of this clip, and his raspy voice (he's just getting over his first cold)...but his little giggle is so darn cute!
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