One of the pools...

Basketball anyone? My dad obliged.

And straight from basketball my dad fit in time for some putting with my grandpa...

My beautiful grandma.

Ryan. Deep in thought?

One of the waiters serving us at high tea.

My mom & Shelly at tea.

Mark and I decided to splurge and play a little bingo. Here we are with our cards - it was actually a lot of fun!

Me during a stroll on one of the ship's decks.

We didn't take any pictures at dinner that night. That must have been the evening that I had a particularly rough time. Even though this is gross (you've been warned), I have to document it since it ranks right up there with my fleet of most embarrassing moments: I was feeling really sick, but we eventually managed to make it down to the dining hall all dressed up. While sitting at the table I realized I was going to throw up and there was no time to make it anywhere. I grabbed my napkin, stuck my head under the table and proceeded to vomit. A lot. I filled up my whole cloth napkin. Then with my head still under the table I reached my hand up and Mark promptly handed me his napkin which I also proceeded to fill. Once the retching took a pause I stood up and bolted for the door (of course we were seated at the back of the restaurant) with Mark at my side. Luckily there were restrooms just outside the entrance to the restaurant. A woman was exiting the bathroom and Mark grabbed the door and escorted me into the ladies room, locking the door behind us. Luckily there wasn't anyone else in the ladies room at the time (it wasn't a single stall bathroom). Mark held my hair up while I finished retching, and then let me cry a little. Once I was ready to clean myself up and pull myself together I saw that I even had chunks of throw up stuck in the links of my fancy necklace. Yuck! So gross and so embarrassing, but I was unbelievably grateful to have such a sweet husband. Not only was he at my side while I was running out of the restaurant in such a nasty state...but he didn't hesitate to barge into a ladies room to assist me, help clean me up, and help me feel ok about going back into the restaurant to give things another try. Sigh. While I was gone the maitre d' asked my family if I was alright - they had to assure him that it was pregnancy and I was not contagious (didn't need to be quarantined). Oh, how I hope to be able to go on another cruise someday when I can actually enjoy the food.
So! Here's a cute picture from that night (of Jeanette and Dave) that my mom took.

That nights towel creation. What do you think - pig? Oh, another thing I should mention... if you look at the top left corner of this picture you can get a little pick at all my medications and my sharps container. At that point we were still doing my nightly intramuscular progesterone injections. Painful, beastly shots. Another thing I would be happy to omit from any future cruise that we take someday.

1 comment:
So sad you didn't feel well. Glad Mark was such a great help. It will be a great story to tell your children!
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