During the middle of January my mom drove all the way down just for a visit over a long weekend! What a fun surprise. One day we visited the zoo & here's a picture of while we were there of her & Noah.

Noah posing by a palm tree at the zoo. I love winter here.

Sweet Lincoln.

Another fun classmate's birthday party at Pump it Up (Noah is in the yellow, striped shirt on the back row).

Random brother cuteness.

Another picture of Noah falling asleep around the house (in his pirate costume). I wish I could get him to take a nap when Lincoln does, but I guess he just manages to crash on his own when her really needs a nap...

Our sweet baby boy #3! (The "big ultrasound" where we found out the gender was Jan. 28th)

Here's a clip of us telling Noah & Lincoln that the new baby is a boy. It's a bit longer (for you grandparents to enjoy) at 2 & 1/2 minutes, but you should at least watch the first part and let me know what you think...after telling them that it's a "new brother" Lincoln gives Noah a big hug and scampers off. Do you think Lincoln thought that we meant that Noah was being replaced with this "new brother" or that it was just his way of celebrating? (Oh, and Noah's initial big lip is because he'd been really hoping for a sister):
A couple clips of an alternative method for cleaning the floor...and yes, the old phrase "You're not going to stop until someone gets hurt..." did ring true yet again this time:
Lincoln had been begging the whole meal to drink from both straws and the same time. We finally relented:
In January we bought a minivan & it has a dvd player with wireless headphones that the boys think is pretty sweet. Here's a clip of Noah enjoying his new "toy":
Lincoln not knowing that we're watching him play:
And that's it for January (we're moving right along with this blog-catch-up thing)!
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