On February 15th we had tickets (from Mark's work) to attend the Jazz/Suns game at the US Airways Center in Phoenix. We had been looking forward to this game for months, so there was a lot more Utah Jazz chatter around our house as the date for the game grew closer. One day, out of the blue, Noah announced that at the game he would be cheering for the Suns...not the Jazz. He announced this confidently, but with a questioning look (as if to ask if this divergence from family loyalty would be acceptable). I told him that was fine if he would prefer to cheer for the Suns. Noah was delighted at being granted "permission" to assert his own independence in this arena - so you can imagine his delight when on game day I showed him the Suns outfit that I'd bought for him. He was so proud. Before leaving for the game we tried to snap a few photos - Mark, Lincoln & me in our Jazz shirts and Noah clad head to toe in Suns orange. Me with my boys (including the one cooking in the oven at just over 20 weeks here). We got a few inquiring looks and double takes as people saw us traipsing into the game wearing Jazz gear...but with one kiddo in Suns attire. Noah walked around proudly as if to say, "Yup, I'm one of you people." Here's a clip of them enjoying themselves as the game got going:
The boys enjoyed pizza at the game! You gotta love Noah's "Go, Suns!!" yell...followed directly by Lincoln yelling "Go, Jazz!!" (We actually had to change up the seating arrangement later because things got a little heated with their competing allegiances.)
Halftime. We had a great time. This game was just after everything happened with Coach Corbin taking over the Jazz too, which made things interesting. We (referring to the Jazz) lost by one point, which was a bummer, but it was a good game...and Noah was so proud to leave the game having cheered for the winning team. I love doing stuff like this as a family, and the boys were pretty well behaved up until right before the end of the game (but it was getting pretty late at night by then, to be fair). The only thing that could've made things better was to have not felt nauseous, but hey - at least I was doing well enough to go and be able to enjoy myself, right? And, the next time we go to a Jazz/Suns game...we'll have THREE boys to take with us! Unbelievable.
U are looking SOOO cute Holly!! You have a perfect preggo bump. How fun to go to a Bball game with the family split like that. Too funny!! Your family is adorable!! How are you liking living in AZ?
1 comment:
U are looking SOOO cute Holly!! You have a perfect preggo bump. How fun to go to a Bball game with the family split like that. Too funny!! Your family is adorable!! How are you liking living in AZ?
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