Monday, January 21, 2013

St. Patty's Day 2012

Lucky charms and green OJ - not a bad start to St. Patrick's Day.

The boys wanted to set a trap to try and catch a leprechaun.  Apparently green milk does the trick (according to the boys)...  

Max's first St. Patty's Day.

This year instead of leaving behind his green footprints wherever he walked, the leprechaun left a gold (chocolate) coin everywhere he stepped...all the way from the front porch to the kitchen table where he avoided the leprechaun trap, left some goodies, and escaped out the back door...

Lincoln and Noah with their loot.

All three boys (Linc was not loving his headband).

 The boys outside with their pinwheels.

Noah counting the gold coins...

Breakfast for dinner.  Green Hootinany (or Dutch babies, or German pancakes, whatever you call them)...

Cheers to a (green) dinner the kids will eat.  Maybe someday we'll graduate to corned beef and cabbage!

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