Thursday, January 24, 2013

Breath of fresh air

4/26/12  It was just one of those days that I let things slow down and I stopped to smell the flowers.  Well, I may not have literally smelled the flowers, but I did look at them.  I'm glad that I have these pictures to remind me about a seemingly ordinary day that I could have easily forgotten about otherwise.

I remember going outside just with Max and taking some time to sit with him on the cool grass, and swing with him on our swing.  I admired and took pictures of my flowers.  The mid-Spring tulips (Banja Luka variety, as well as a buttery yellow variety) were gracing us with their lovely blooms at this point, as were the varieties of Narcissus and Muscari that I planted.

I loved watching Max experience things for the first time...touching the grass, putting his feet in dirt, plucking things from the earth.  That day really was a beautiful breath of fresh air, and while these photos aren't going to win any awards...they bring me right back to that Spring afternoon with my baby.  So, for that I love them.  Here they are.  First some snapshots I took of our cheerful flowers...

Now this isn't an amazing photo, but I love how it shows how tiny Max looked amidst all the grass.  He was enjoying crawling around in the grass (he had only recently started crawling), and it was fun to just stop and watch him explore...

And now moving in closer on Max...a whole grundle of pictures of him.  No words really needed.  Besides, they say a picture is worth a thousand of them anyway, right?  If that's the case then here are 17,000 adoring words about my beautiful baby boy:

To me this is happiness.

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