Noah's preschool is part of a Lutheran school that also has K-8th grade, so their school activities are big. We still managed to run into some of Noah's classmates though! Our Noah with Noah C.

Lily and Noah.

Noah and LeeAnna (little mermaid was a popular one this year I guess).

Lincoln caught right on to the trick or treat system and thought it was a pretty cool idea.

Many of the trunks had little activities or themes. Some people even had bigger prizes for winners of their games (getting a bullseye, etc). This one had a little toss the fish into the penguin bucket to "earn" your treat.

This one you just had to pick your team before getting a treat...

This one had real horses!

And a pirate themed one which was decorated out of an actual boat instead of a trunk (a huge hit for Noah), had this decoration you could put your face through for a picture:

Our friends Dani & Jayson borrowed parts of our Woody & Jessie costumes from last year. Aren't they cute?

Here is Noah getting his face painted

And, true to Noah style...here he is "in character" as a wild cat - finding a tree to climb. Well, he enjoyed pretending so anyway, this picture is actually turned sideways (he's laying on a limb pretending to climb it anyway). We got a chuckle out of it anyway.

Bailey (in the pink) who is in Noah's class invited all the classmates to her family's Halloween party and trick or treating in their neighborhood. Here is Noah with some of the girls.

Lincoln tended to trail behind our group most of the time, but he was super cute. Here he is leaving one of the doorsteps.

Another doorstep.

Noah and Bailey held hands and chatted most of the night. Pretty cute. I loved listening in on the things they would talk about. At one point I heard Noah ask her, "So, have you ever been in a car accident?" She said, "No, but our house was robbed once"...followed by the story. So matter of fact. Cute little 4-year-olds.

Quick shot of my cute little zebra.

Apparently I was pushing it when I asked for him to pose for a second picture, and I got this expression. However, I found it pretty funny and decided to include it in the post too.

Bailey and Noah before we headed home for the night.

After getting home we let the boys pick a few pieces of candy to go to town on, and Lincoln was particularly excited about chowing down on this gummy that came in a package my mom sent the boys!

Lincoln & Noah are sooo cute in their costumes! I love it! I wish I could have been there, but at least you have great pictures. The funniest one was of Noah "climbing
the tree! (If it had been Lincoln I wouldn't have thought anything of it!) I love Lincoln's expressions in so many of the photos too. Cute little animals!
So glad to see you post again! I love their costumes, they look so cute. I'm glad you all had a great Halloween.
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