Random bath picture of our boys. Three things I love about this picture: Their crazy hair, their expressions, and the contrasting colors of their beautiful skin.

Sadly, I don't remember all these months later what this owie was from...just that the bandaid helped. And look at that expression.

Noah has been really into pirates. One afternoon while was being a pirate he laid down on the floor for a minute and sacked out. I had to snap a picture of course.

This picture is actually from another afternoon that Noah was playing pirates. He liked to put on his pirate shirt, as well as his red hoodie (since Captain Hook wears a red jacket), and since we don't have a pirate hat Noah sometimes pretends that his cowboy hat is a pirate hat. Good imagination. This afternoon Noah requested that I take a picture of him and "Tigo" (that's what he named his tiger) in their cowboy/pirate getup.

And, on cue, little brother searched for a reason for me to photograph him. This is what he came up with - and he urgently requested that I take a picture of it:

Early/mid October we drove back home for a visit (and a medical procedure). I've already posted most of the fun pictures from our trip, but the rest of this post will be random pictures from that trip that didn't make it into a previous post. My brother Chris snapped this picture of Mark & me.
Enjoying a delicious dinner at my parents' house with my parents (duh), brother Chris' family, and my grandparents.
Chris & Chelsey's family (plus Noah) were at this other table.
I love this picture that Chris snapped of Audrey and Noah running outside.
Emily outside with Audrey, Noah & Lincoln.
Emily, me, Chelsey.

Noah went on a picture taking rampage one morning at my parents' house. This is me trying to give him the "don't you do it" look. Of course he did take it...and he was so pleased with himself.

That same morning we got this shot of Lincoln and daddy as they were waking up.

Mark decided that morning snuggles were lots of fun, so he climbed into bed with Noah the next morning. Of course Lincoln wanted in on the action and quickly climbed up onto the bed, between Mark and Noah, and under the covers.

And to add one more sleepy-time picture...here is Noah asleep in his car seat on the drive back to Arizona.

We stopped at Glen Canyon Dam to stretch our legs and snap some pictures.

Can I just say that I am SO PROUD!!! the Buns and Jam look fantastic!!!
I never commented on this post, but I agree with Shauna! I'm so impressed! The rolls look perfect! You'll have to teach your mom! That was a fun visit, and very successful.
....and jam!! Amazing! Love you.
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