When the big day (May 28th) arrived, we made the short 45 minute drive up to Heber and ta-da! Thomas.

Noah & Lincoln were both so excited and kept pointing and yelling, "Thomas! Thomas!"

My boys. All three of them.

I remember the first time that Lincoln ever saw a Thomas the train. It was at a Barnes & Noble where they have those train tables for the kids to play. When we left he threw his first real, full out tantrum. He was hooked. Someone told me once that they thought Thomas the train was like baby-crack (the drug, not the bum). It only takes once for some kids to be exposed and they're hooked. That was Linc for sure. I used to think that the blue train with the face was kinda creepy, but after a while of my kid loving it so much I'd say he's grown on me now.

As soon as we decided that we'd be going to see Thomas, Noah quickly began his campaign for getting "conductor clothes". There must always be coordinating props, costume, or accessories for all activities with that kid. So, we had fun scouting out a good deal on a conductor hat (his main concern) as well as overalls for each of the boys. I can't tell you how excited I was to find a used pair of Thomas overalls for Linc at Kid-to-Kid! I used to be really anti characters-on-clothes for my kids (tacky-factor)...but I've given in a little, especially for themed occasions like this, because of how fun they think it is. They were so excited to get dressed in their Thomas clothes that morning, and I think they looked cute too.

At the Day Out With Thomas, they have various booths or stations set up with activities. Of course, one of those areas consisted of tables set up with trains. It was fun for the kids, as well as a good marketing move (like the whole shebang was).

After not too long it was nearing our scheduled departure time on Thomas, so we got in line. Here's a picture I snapped of Noah happily waiting to board...

Lincoln didn't quite grasp the "wait in line" concept very well (or he did & was just revolting against it), so while Noah and I held our place in line - Mark took Linc for a little walk over to look at the Heber Creeper and past the little hay maze.

Our little guys waiting...

Finally it was time! Noah giving his ticket to the conductor.

Lincoln showing his ticket...

The boys checking things out aboard the train.

It was warm on that train, so we pulled the window up a little for some air. It took some convincing for Noah to believe us that it would be safe to leave it open, but he finally conceded. Isn't he so cute?

This was really the most that Lincoln ever ventured from his seat (which was nice). Both boys were pretty mellow just trying to assess everything that was going on. It was fun to watch (and admittedly refreshing too).

A quick 13 second clip of the boys. I love Lincoln's train sound right at the end:
I'll admit. I took a lot of pictures. Maybe too many (not for my taste, but as far as I am concerned it's never too many). This progressive series of pictures of Lincoln sums up how he felt about that topic though. Starting out with a cute little smile...

Moving on to a sillier smile...

Laying down on his seat trying to hide from the camera a bit, but still having fun with things...

Forced smile...

Seriously, Mom? Another one?...

No explanation necessary (this picture cracks me up)...

I had Noah take a picture of me & Mark.

And a couple pictures of our sweet Noah looking out the window while the train drove (slowly) along.

I had a difficult time trying to get a picture (while on the train) of me with the boys. Lincoln was way past done posing for pictures, and in this one Noah insisted on showing his hat to the camera. We've called that his conductor hat...but is it actually an engineer hat? I'm not sure what the difference is...

One out of two anyway...

Quick 8 second clip showing Linc during one of the whistle blows. This was at the end of the ride so his reaction was a bit more staged from repetition, but you get the idea. So cute.
Train ride. Brothers. Snack time. Life is good.

Looking outside as the train ride slows to a stop.

Mark and the boys with Sir Topham Hatt.

Me with the boys on our quick motor car ride right before leaving (I thought that was really cool).

Goodbye, Thomas!

Ohhh! What a fun day! The boys outfits were adorable and their pictures are so sweet!
Sounds like fun. I wanted to do that before we left but Sarah came early. Oh well maybe some other time. Glad your boys had a great time. How are you enjoying AZ?
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